This is What's Supposed To Happen

Lately, I have been so incredibly saddened by the overwhelming amount of evil present in the world. It seems to be everywhere I look now, and it seems to only grow worse every day. It often leaves me feeling depressed, discouraged, and useless.

Over the past months, news of the upcoming election is everywhere. Honestly, the election has just become a debate of who might be the least corrupt. It often leaves me wondering about the fate of our country and what my life, my family's life, and even the lives of my future children will look like. Will it even be a safe place to raise children anymore?

At the end of July, I spent several days in Kenya. Whenever I go to Kenya, I hear countless stories of hardship and heartbreak in the lives of the people there. I heard stories about child alcoholics, girls raped by family members, people brutally murdered, children left to starve, among many other evils. Some children in Kenya are under the age of 10, yet they have already experienced more hardship and more pain than I will ever experience in my entire life.

It seems as if every morning I wake up and I read the news to learn of bombings, terrorist attacks, mass shootings, rioting, murders, and so much more. Even now, I hear stories about such events that are taking place so close to home. I hear stories about angry people just looking for something to justify their anger, and an outlet where they can take out their anger.

I see and hear all of this, and I am just saddened. Ever since I was little, I have always had such compassion for others. So now I see all these people that are desperately hurting because of the evil in this world, and it hurts me. This hurt and this fear caused by the evil in the world leads to fights and arguments among once close friends. Sin has incredibly far-reaching effects. It is like dropping a small pebble into a lake. At first, it seems small, so it must not have major consequences. But then the ripple starts, and it keeps going on forever.

However, I am reminded that this is what is supposed to happen.

We were told that it would get worse before it got better. The world would fall into darkness before Jesus returned. So I am encouraged by knowing that as the world grows darker, we get closer to the Light. However, we were not commanded to sit idly by while the world goes up in flames, patiently awaiting our savior. We are called to so much more. So during this dark time, what are we supposed to do?

1) Overcome the evil in the world with the Light 

{Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21}

Instead of complaining about a situation every time you have a conversation with someone, overcome the evil with good. Instead of ranting and starting arguments on social media, overcome the evil with good.

2) Forgive others

{For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you Matthew 6:14}

As Christ followers, Jesus calls us to forgive those who have wronged us. Yes, you can forgive Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

3) Love others

{But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44}

Many people do not live a godly life. Many people live in sin. God did not call us to accept their sin, or even respect their decision. But, He did call us to love them. No matter what. He commanded us to love everyone, even those who hurt us.

4) Know that whatever the world intends for evil, God intends it for good

{You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20}

God uses everything for His will and His glory. Even the circumstances where it feels like we are suffering without reason, God is using it for a much greater purpose. Even the riots, the bombs, the suicides, the cancer, and the murders. It all has a purpose, and God is using it for good.

Now, let us wholeheartedly run the race that Christ has set before us.



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